Sunday, January 8, 2012

I know everyone says that Mr. Right will come one day but why wont he come now?

Im 14 and have never been on a date. Everyone keeps telling me that the right guy will come along eventually, but im getting tired of waiting on him. I gotto the point to where i just stopped caring and trying to find a guy altogether. How long did it take you to find that one guy/girl you thought was the one?|||Don't look for 'the one' yet. You're 14, date casually to get to know what you like and dislike in a guy before even considering anything even close to serious.

Focus on school. You only go to high school once, so do as good as you possibly can. There's plenty of time for guys later.

So what that you've never been on a date, it's really no big deal. You'll have plenty of dates throughout your lifetime, and chances are you won't like most of them.

Don't compare yourself to other girls, there is only one person to compare yourself with or compete with, and that person is you.

Don't worry, I guarantee at least 3 guys have a crush on you right now, but see they're 14 too, so they're afraid to ask you out. :-))|||I didn't have my first bf until I was 15/16, and they were so immature. (I didn't date them

At the same time). My first love seemed to only have one thing on his mind, and almost got it. Because of this, I hated the whole male race for several years.

I met my soulmate on a blind/double date when I was 24. (I'm 25 now). I went on a date because it had been 3 years, and I had never been on a blind date. I was hesitant because he's older, and I had trust issues. But, I ended up falling for him, and have been officially dating him a year now. 😃

I wasn't looking, expecting to meet my soulmate.|||Hun, I'm just a couple months from being 16 and trust me, it don't get better unless you're short, tiny, blonde, and busty. When I was your age I wish somebody had told me: MEN SUCK. I didn't wanna believe that but you know what? I learned it on my own from a series of bad expeariences, which is how no girl should have to learn. Listen to a fellow woman: go and get a hobby or something fun. Swoon over celebrity guys. But don't wait on a prince because dreams don't come true.|||You're fourteen. Get a life and stop whinging.

Focus on getting good grades. You will not find "Mr. Right" unless you have a decent career.|||You need to date mr not right and decide what qualities Mr right must have, trial and error :)|||give it 10 years before you start to give up.|||You have to be patient... I havent been on a date yet. Dont just date someone you want... it should be someone you need.|||You're only 14..|||When I was 23, I met my right guy. So, you don't have to worry about that so much. :)

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