I know how u feel I went threw the same thing. Finally I sat him down and asked him in the nicest way possible, if there was something bothering him. I told him the vibes I was getting from him was weird and let him know I can be just as much as a good friend to him as I can a gf. I told him he could come to me if he ever needed to talk to someone even it was something bad about us cause I can be understanding. Good Luck if he really loves u he will open up.
He might be worried about something that he think is going to happen. try showing a little emotions.Mr. Moody...why does my guy turn on/off like a lightbulb?
i think he is interestid of you
If you are single and have the time, please visit my site:
hes probably just stressed out just try little things to try to make him happyMr. Moody...why does my guy turn on/off like a lightbulb?
well since he is trying to start this new job just give him a little time to get used to the new routine. and if he still does the Dr. J./Mr.Hyde u should kick his *** to the curb
Sometimes when that happens there is an un-comfort zone that he kind of keeps falling in, may be its guilt ,if y'all are in a relationship where he feels that you can do better or may be he did something , it could be anything. Men sometimes take a lot of blame, or it could be that there is a distance between you guys because of the changes that are taking place in the relationship as far as his new job, men are funny and they have their monthly cycles like we do its just our cycle come from nature and theirs come from emotions that they fell they can never share.
It could be just about anything, but some people are just wired that way...one minute very sweet and love and the next minute, watch out. It could be stress, a mental disorder, or just a phase. The question is how often does this happen. If it happens every few days, there's definitely a problem.
he's going through metapouse early? how old is he? he might have some health issues too or something like that. sit down and have a talk with him.
Maybe he is having some mental health issues? When I found out about my depression I was the sameway! And added stress doesn't help esp. financial..Maybe suggest a doctor to him just to be sure..Tell him what you see, and how it makes you feel..And that maybe it could be depression related?
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