Thursday, January 19, 2012

What is the easiest and most effective way to clean the bathroom floor?

Do you use one of those Mr. Clean Scrubbie things, or a mop, or some other useful tool? Or do you just scrub it by hand? Please give me some suggestions-I am tired of mopping and want an easier way.What is the easiest and most effective way to clean the bathroom floor?
I use paper towel or a rag and windex or glass plus, and good old elbow grease on my hands and knees. I use an old toothbrush for the dust on the moulding. A quick wipe up while my daughter is in the bath, the floor is done! The windex/glass plus leave the floor nice and clean with no residue. I use that in my kitchen too (especially under the table after dinner). (I do sometimes use a sponge mop and Mr. Clean/water)
My mother recently purchased a Swifer Wet Jet and it works wonders. It cleans deep down and doesnt leave your floor sticky.What is the easiest and most effective way to clean the bathroom floor?
The bathroom is tricky because you have lot of hair and dust that collects on the baseboards. I use a damp old rug, and spray with 409. Takes care of it really quick and picks up everything.
I vaccum the bathroom floor to pick up any hair, fuzz, etc. Then spray Fantastik, Windex or whatever on the floor and go over it with a damp mop (the foam kind). Rinse the mop out %26amp; go over it again. Dries in minutes.What is the easiest and most effective way to clean the bathroom floor?
I have a little boy at home that doesn't always "hit the mark" so I got one of the mesh pouffy thingies on a stick (made for scrubbing your back) and use that to get the area around the toilet. That way I can clean it up quick while I am waiting for the shower water to heat up or the tub to fill. I use pinesol and keep it in a crock beside the toilet. I keep it soaking in the pinesol, and change the cleaner once a week while i am doing the rest of the floors.

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