Thursday, January 19, 2012

Housewives: Are you not sick and tired of going steady with Mr. Clean and the Tidybowl man?

I am serious! As a society when are we going throw down our mops and brooms and say... HELL YEAH and WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! And then beat the tar at our snot nose husbands!?? (I was just courious)Housewives: Are you not sick and tired of going steady with Mr. Clean and the Tidybowl man?
Joy, you just caught them all before they've had their coffee =)

If you don't do it he'll still never do it and he wont even notice it hasn't been done until 3 months pass and he'll say "geesh, we really need to clean the weeds that are growing out of the toilet" and what he really means is "dang girl, when did you start slacking, you have got to clean the toilet" No matter what you'll want to beat the tar outta him so just do it. Beat him and get it out of the way.
Yes - violence is the answer....women are so dense...

And BTW you should use spellcheck...BITTER is not a difficult word

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Housewives: Are you not sick and tired of going steady with Mr. Clean and the Tidybowl man?
NOPE in our house it is 50/50!!!
I guess you could, but will have one dirty houseHousewives: Are you not sick and tired of going steady with Mr. Clean and the Tidybowl man?
I have a housekeeper and I'm loving her more and more each day.

Not a problem for me and never will be.
It's your choice to be a housewife and stay home all day with Mr. Clean. If your husband works all day, what exactly do you think your job should be? Sit around all day and watch the soaps with a carton of bon bons? If you don't like it change it and go find a job outside the home and split the chores up. Otherwise quit complaining!
I clean our bathrooms! Have done it for over 11 years. I also mop the floors, I am bigger and stronger than my wife and do a better job.

BUT she does 100% of the laundry and sweeps and straightens the house most all the time too.

SO I guess what I am saying is that a husband needs to do his part in cleaning the house too. That is NOT just taking out the garbage either! ! !

I could still use a little help buffing the hard wood though!
In my house I am Mr Clean and the Mrs is Pinesol.
If you don't clean the house....GET A JOB!

What else are you going to do all day?

Sleep late?

Screw around with the bored unemployed neighbor guy?

Tell me that you want to STAY HOME...but not clean house? You're nuts! Who's going to clean the house? Seriously?

Unfortunately, as I am not a housewife, I can't say.

I do know that our cleaner gets paid more per hour than most of the housewives I knew EVER did!
cleaning up goes hand in hand with watching kiddos. have you seen what a mess 2 babies can make. my hubby doesn't expect the house to be perfect at all. he happy if its not a complete disaster zone. maybe you need to talk to your hubby about it. he use to ***** at me so i left one day for a few hours leaving the kiddos with him. never said another word after that.
I think as women we have it engrained in us from an early age to be caregivers...and therefore most of us don't mind taking care of the home and, in turn taking care of our family. At least I know I don't. The only time it becomes a problem is if we aren't being appreciated or feel in certain areas that things should be more 50/50 (and this varies from women to women). But believe me ladies, if you picked a good man, he can be trained. Not changed or degraded, but trained. Just help him understand that you are partners, not each others parents and that you will always respect him equally if he treats you as one as well. Start by giving him certain tasks and engrain it in him that "This is his contribution" and continue on from there. The word "training" may sound harsh but really all it is, is making him WANT to help. And I dont see anything wrong with that.
so what, I would rather do that than my jobs, I take out the garbage, I have to mow the lawn, I have to laundry. I have to make breakfast sometimes on weekends And I babysit my little sister and study when she sleeps. And I am 15 years old. What is wrong with cleaning a toilet. It gets flushed and you get to use a chemical to clean it, its not like you have to rub the side with your hands. So stop complaining, why dont you let your house become a mess, if your husband works then what do you think you are supposed to do all day huh, I stay home because I am homeschooled and I do work when I am at home

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