Thursday, January 19, 2012

Im in love its like carrie and mr bigs love(breakup makeup)but im tired of the rollercoaster what should i do?

if its bothering you this much,end it.its only gonna get worse.Im in love its like carrie and mr bigs love(breakup makeup)but im tired of the rollercoaster what should i do?
To the first responder, Sophie G, you look and sound like someone who is going to die alone and get eaten by her cats.Im in love its like carrie and mr bigs love(breakup makeup)but im tired of the rollercoaster what should i do?
Dump him. You deserve to be treated like a princess, with dignity and respect. Screw the rollercoaster relationship. The fact that you are even asking this question on Yahoo answers says that you already know what to do. Good luck.Im in love its like carrie and mr bigs love(breakup makeup)but im tired of the rollercoaster what should i do?
Sit down and talk to the guy seriously about y'alls relationship.

And if the reason y'all keep breaking up is because of fights or something, sit down and talk to him about how a relationship should be able to work through problems and fights.

Either that or if you keep breaking up because it doesn't work, maybe it's time to let go. Not everyone ends up like Carrie and Big unfortunately.
you need to be to yourself for a while to see what you want

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