Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why is Mr Puppy always trying to tinkle inside the house???

Is it not enough I take him out once a day before I leave for work? I go to work at 7 AM and I get home at 9 PM. Is it too much to ask for Mr Puppy to hold his bladder till I get home? I am also tired of the other brown presents too!|||mr puppy is a spoiled brat and needs a rolled up newspaper smacked upside his head.|||Because Mr. Owner is not taking Mr. Puppy out enough|||you should put up puppy might be a little to long|||because Mr puppy is being left to long alone by Mr owner and not let out regularly|||troll|||That's too long for Mr. Puppy to hold it. Also, now that it smells like urine and feces, he will associate the carpet with "potty" and will continue to go inside.|||Well maybe because you're out TOO LONG!!! You might consider getting a friend who can go take him out mid day.|||"Mr. Puppy" is more than likely far too young to be expected to hold his bladder for 14 hours. In fact, no dog should be expected to hold it for that long. Find poor Mr. Puppy a new home where they will take proper care of him!|||its wrong because poor mr. puppy can't hold it that long. mr. owner should get pea pads or something and train the dog to use those. Its not his fault at all, you can't hold using the bathroom for that long. so your puppy can't either. i mean 14 hours, come on.|||The puppys bladder is small and it is hard for him to hold his urine for all day! It is sad that people get puppys and then expect miracles. How would you like to not urinate for that long of a time? How many times do you go to the bathroom n that length of time? Shame on you for being mad at your poor pup! you don't deserve to have a puppy!|||Because taking a puppy or any animal outside 1 time is NOT ENOUGH!!!!

Puppies need to go out VERY often sometimes every 1-2 hours so that they get housebroken.

Once they get housebroken they should be able to wait a few hours, NO DOG will be able to wait from 7am to 9pm.... You need to have someone let the dog out 3-4 times during the day!

Leaving a dog waiting that long is going to cause the dog to urinate in the house, or if it holds it that long UTI's, kidney infections, the body will poison itself....|||I trained my dog in a kennel first to teach him that was his home and he eventually learned he didnt want a poopy filled home so he stopped going to the bathroom in it. Also taking him out every hour on the hour. Then i taught him that outside was the place to go. That is a long time for a dog to hold it especially a puppy. After you train him in the kennel then train him to stay in one room like gate it off then after he's trained with that let him roam the house eventually he'll learn, but 13 hours is really to long for them to hold it.

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