Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who else is sick of the "Plzzz help, am I pregnant" question and wants more from Mr. Use-less Ans-wer?

Ugh, I'm so tired of the "am I prego" question. Everyone who asks it deserves to be insulted.|||There does seem to be lots of those questions out there. Obviously too much day dreaming during s3x ed class.|||Their mothers and grandmothers fought for the rights to use a birth control pill to prevent babies. Seems to be lost with this generation. But then again .......... do schools want to teach girls to 'read their cycle' or that using a combo of a pill/condom/and spermicide is nearly 100% effective in preventing baby? or somehow today's generation missed this in class. How far we have come, yet how far backwards girls have become.|||If your sick of them get off the pregnancy section cuz you know thats what is going to be there dumb sh*t.

Stop wasting everyones time with your answers that are all exactly the same. Jezz it's like you don't know how to say anything but "yup your pregnant alright". Thats not even making fun of them, it's just a waste of the askers time and yours.

Find a productive hobby|||Yes!|||take care yourself|||I am here to serve.

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