Sunday, January 8, 2012

Was is there no law requiring the media from addressing our President by Mr. President?

I am sick and tired of the media addressing President Bush, by Mr. Bush. Should'nt the President of The United States be addressed by Mr. President. Regardless of if they voted for him or not?|||very bad idea|||It's not a legal matter. It is a matter of protocol and respect for the office of The President. I can recall news reporters addressing former President Bill Clinton as Mr difference, It is still a respectful way to address the man.|||the constitution states freedom of spech|||Freedom of the press|||His name is Mr. Bush! That's why they call him that. What else are you going to call him??? hmmmmmmm?|||Why is there no law? Because the First Amendment prohibits there from being a law that forces people to speak a certain way.

Besides, many people argue that Bush has so disgraced the office, and so badly betrayed his oath and the Constitution, that he no longer deserves the respect reserved for that office. In other words, it is showing respect for the office that causes many people to refuse to associate the words "Bush" and "President".

You disagree. That's your right. Just like those who don't like Bush have the right to say so as well.

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